Wildlife and Conservation Bushfire Recovery: Immediate Response Plan
In January 2020, the NSW Government released the Wildlife and Conservation Bushfire Recovery – Immediate Response plan. While the NSW Government is still determining the full impact of the 2019-2020 bushfires, this document sets out our immediate actions to support native wildlife recovery. The NSW Government’s immediate response includes:
- Mapping and data gathering
- Impact analysis
- Supplementary food, water, shelter endangered species like the brush-tailed rock wallaby and mountain pygmy possums
- Seed banking and insurance populations
- Extensive aerial and ground-based feral animal and weed control
- Supporting wildlife carers
The NSW Government will continue to update our response as we improve our understanding of the impacts of these unprecedented fires. This is the first step of a longer-term plan to support native wildlife recovery.
Government of New South Wales
Type of action
Action Location
New South Wales
Funding Source
State or territory government
Action Timeline
2020 - 2020
Strategy Goals
Aichi Targets
Sustainable Development Goals
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