Kempsey Shire Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management
The Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management (CKPoM) for the Eastern Portion of the Kempsey Shire manages areas of important koala habitat. The Shire has been identified in the NSW State Recovery Plan for the koala (recently approved by the NSW Minister for Climate Change and the Environment) as a priority area for the development of a Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management.
Development of a CKPoM was also listed as a high priority action of the Kempsey Shire Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) Strategy. Its ultimate purpose is to provide a strategic and consistent approach to koala management and planning throughout the eastern portion of the Kempsey Shire at a landscape scale. The CKPoM for the eastern portion of the Kempsey Shire seeks to manage the threats operating on koalas and conserve their natural habitat by incorporating koala conservation and management into local government planning processes.